Posted by: | 23rd Nov, 2011

Smart Phones – The Future!

BC Business Magazine, by Brent Holliday, November 7, 2011

Source: google images

Brent Holliday was introduced to the potential world domination of the smart phone when attending a conference in Finland in 2002.  Nearly ten years ago, perhaps, but the future was clear for Fins, who recorded a 102% cell phone saturation amongst its adult population.  Most cited it, over even keys and wallet, as being the most crucial item to have when leaving the house.  Today’s smart phones can be used for social networking, internet surfing, reading e-books, gaming, running loyalty programs – the opportunities are endless!  The future is rife with possibility – dazzling data speeds, Skyping, individually unique chips for keyless home entry, paying bills, and video conferencing.  A new world limited only by our imagination.  For most of us, the smart phone has become an extension of our arm – an appendage that cannot be done without.  Creeping stealthily into our lives, most of us cannot imagine functioning without them.  If you ask most teenagers, they would likely laugh and tell you that they rarely, if ever, use their phones to make a traditional phone call.  So next time you leave your house, make sure you have your smart phone, because the future’s already here!


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