Posted by: | 23rd Nov, 2011

Stance on Pipeline Project in Municipal Election

“Stated positions on pipeline project factored into municipal elections”

The Vancouver Sun Newspaper, by Derrick Penner, November 22, 2011


Canadian juggernaut, Ensbridge Inc, may enjoy international renown as a North American leader in providing energy, but during the recent municipal elections in Northern British Columbia, Ensbridge faced energy of a different sort when the electorate forced nominees to publicly state their position on the (widely opposed) proposed Northern Gateway pipeline project.
While the projected route of the project is technically outside the authority of municipalities, candidates’ stated viewpoints on the project played a part in election results, both in Smithers and Terrace.  Opposition to the project was dangled as a carrot by some candidates, while others chose to remain tight lipped to their ultimate downfall.  In Smithers, incumbent Mayor Cress Farrow was defeated after choosing an impartial stance, while in Terrace, Mayor-Elect Taylor Bachrach swept to power after public stating his opposition.  In an era where the “everyday citizen” may sometimes feel a lack of power, there is something quite appetizing about this story.  Democracy and freedom of speech at work in Northern BC, where the power of the people’s voice rang loud and clear and politicians had no choice but to do their bidding.



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