Posted by: | 24th Nov, 2011

Motivator – Money, Power, Recognition, or None of the Above?

Source: google images

As mention by Dorfam Mirgharavi what is the greatest motivator: money, power, or recognition, I began to ponder this same query.  When I look into my future, of course, I want to see success.  What really is success though?  Is success defined by the money you possess, the power you hold in society, or is it the recognition you receive from your achievement.  I believe that at the root of all success in the world is power, and from that point often money, and recognition follow suit.  Power gives one the ability to set goals and achieve them.  Though, when I ask myself what motivates me the most, it’s not so much the end result that I look for such as money, power, or recognition; but the competitive edge that’s required to set a goal for myself, and then achieve it.  It’s the drive that motivates the journey to meet a goal, achieve it, and then set a new one that’s even higher! In my future I want to see success; sweetening the deal are elements such as money, power and recognition, but the confidence and pride I receive from accomplishing a personal objective is greatest motivator of them all.

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