Posted by: | 24th Nov, 2011

Rare Skill = Differentiation to Success!

 Source: google images

As discussed by Sam Ng, good presentation skills can unlock a world of success if cultivated and exercised properly.  Skills such as projecting your voice to all corners of the room to engaging your audience with visually appealing power point slides, presentation skills are immensely valuable assets to have no matter what the field or situation.  Simple text on slides, and thorough knowledge of the content of one’s presentation are key aspects to an impactful presentation on the audience.  Whether your audiences are high school classmates, university professors, company CEO’s, or future investors, the basic underlying skills to engage your audience remain the same: interactive slides accompanied by eye-contact, and the relaxed movement of explanatory gestures.  Though not an expert myself at giving presentations, I found tips such the refrained use of cue cards, and remembering to slow down, and pause upon important points, useful to my calm pre-presentation jitters.  In retrospect these presentation skills seem like they should be a universally taught skill, yet they are rarely encouraged properly.  These skills – though not hard to learn – are often scarcely seen, therefore they can play a major role in differentiating yourself from the crowd into a new world of success.

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