Posted by: | 25th Nov, 2011

Lululemon’s Leading Lady

“Lululemon’s Christine Day named CEO of the year”

24 Hours>Vancouver, By Stefania Moretti, QMI Agency, November 23, 2011

Source: google images

Leisure wear afficienados everywhere surely rose up in an athletic cheer to the news that Christine Day, of Lululemon Athletica Inc, was anointed as Chief Executive of the Year by a leading business magazine.  Known for her creative marketing and brand strategizing magic, Day has had a remarkable rise to distinction.  Since joining the company in 2008, she has guided Lululemon to 150 plus stores, while unleashing a veritable hurricane of innovative new products.  Projected to reach sales revenues of $1 billion in 2012, Day’s leadership has been nothing short of remarkable.  The Canadian Board Diversity Council commented recently on the dire need for more female leaders in Canadian business.  Day, a Harvard Business School’s Advanced Management Program graduate is a wife & mom to three, seems to epitomize a natural success.  Perhaps worth pondering might be the fact that as a wife, mom, yoga-wear master, and busy CEO, Day has mastered the “zen” of balancing it all.  Women are sometimes underestimated and maligned in the business world, particularly if they are successful.  Some face pressures to place work over family.  With an easy smile and flair for predicting what’s best for her brand, I wonder … what’s your secret, Christine?

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