Posted by: | 25th Nov, 2011

Your Vote, Your Voice

“Rapid growth: coming to a city near you”, FP Smart Shift, The Vancouver Sun

by Christine Dobby, November 24,2011

Source: google images

How many of us exercised our right to vote in the recent municipal elections?  Middle-sized cities, with populations of between 150,000 to 10 million, are poised to drive future economic growth, so perhaps it’s time to reexamine out apathetic approach to our democratic right to vote.  With 577 middleweight cities expected to swiftly increase populations between 2007 and 2025, estimates forecast they will account for 50% of gross domestic product (GDP).  Offering a gift-like opportunity for Canada, who has 20 middle-weight urban centers, there is an increased burden on local governments to rise to the challenge.  Most are ill equipped to deal with the rapid pace of population growth.  Without adept planning and organization, calamities such as a decline in quality of life and reduced economic vigor may be the result.   Local leaders need to be granted the mandate to act with sufficient power over the coming years to ensure that they are able to act in response to rapid growth in an appropriate and forward thinking manner.  So, the next time you just don’t feel like getting up on a Saturday to vote, think again – your future and very quality of life may be at stake.

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