5-Hour-Energy shots reputation shot

While browsing the internet, the “F.D.A. Posts Injury Data for Red Bull” immediately caught my attention as it is related to our ongoing Case 3.  Red Bull strives to market its energy drink as a high-end product that “revitalizes body and mind“.

Unfortunately for Red Bull, the government recently released reports to the public indicating that Red Bull could potentially be responsible for injuries that consumer’s experienced after drinking Red Bull energy drinks.  Considering this is one of the country’s top-selling energy drinks, the release of this information could seriously cripple Red Bull’s popularity.  The D.F.A . has also reported many other injuries and fatalities associated with other popular energy drinks such as Monster Energy and 5-Hour-Energy.

For me, these findings were a real eye opener as I often drink 5-Hour-Energy shots when I go out.  The F.D.A. also released findings on the 5-Hour-Energy shot asserting that it had received more than 90 filings “including ones that cited its possible involvement in 13 fatalities“.  For now, the companies are protecting themselves by claiming that they weren’t the source of any of the problems that were reported by the F.D.A.  What will happen when and if the F.D.A. is able to prove that these companies are responsible for the fatalities and injuries of their consumers?  Will  the government step in and enforce new health restrictions?


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