Twinkies may live on!

Chris Williamson’s blog post, “A dark day for the world of snacks“, left me feeling a little shell-shocked.  It is shocking that Hostess Brands Inc. is filing for bankruptcy and abandoning its incredibly famous product, the Twinkie.  Luckily for Twinkie-lovers they will not actually have to say goodbye to Twinkies.

Tomorrow, Hostess Brands Inc. will actually be in a New York courtroom to sell its assets and go out of business.  Many other companies have shown interest in bidding on fragments of Hostess.  As for Twinkies, John Pottow, a University of Michigan Law School professor specializing in bankruptcy stated that “there’s a huge amount of goodwill with the commercial brand name.   It’s quite conceivable that they can sell the name and recipe for Twinkies to a company that wants to make them.”  For now, the 500 bakery outlet stores are remaining open for several days in order to sell the last products.

Unfortunately for Twinkie lovers however, unless they are able to stock up on Twinkies before the bakery outlet stores close; there is a high chance that they won’t be reunited with their favorite dessert for a whole year.  Bankruptcy Judge Robert Drain will “appoint a company that specializes in liquidation to sell the assets, and the sale probably will take six months to a year to complete“.  Best of luck Twinkie lovers!

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