Marijuana Madness

The recent vote in Washington State to legalize marijuana will have a devastating impact on BC’s marijuana-growing industry and its economy.  Although the US is not legalizing marijuana on the federal level (it’s stil against the federal law); it is highly unlikely that the federal government will take any action against growing marijuana.  Washington is licensing the growth of marijuana for sale.

This could all have a huge impact on BC’s economy.  It comes as no real surprise that marijuana is “probably the province’s biggest cash crop, estimated to bring in between $6 and $8 billion annually” making it the third or fourth largest money generator in BC.  Canada has the second largest pot market in America, coming in right after Mexico (60%); Canada has about 40% of the total American pot market.  Unfortunately, most states will probably jump on the bandwagon in legalizing marijuana after they see how much tax can be earned from it.

This will only further damage BC’s economy.  So how will the BC government react to all of this?  Will BC be one of the next regions in N. America to legalize marijuana or will we suffer the economic blows?  Even if marijuana is legalized in BC, will this be enough to save our economy considering the US will be more likely to buy marijuana from nearby?


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