Response to Ziyu Rita He’s Blog Post about ‘New Gourmet Burger in Australia’s McDonald’s.’

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Ziyu’s blog talks about how McDonalds, A famous North American burger chain, plans to innovate its menu. She talks about how McDonald’s in western Sydney has recently unveiled an upgraded ordering approach which allows its customer to choose from 19 options of different ingredients and toppings on a touch screen. It will also allow them to choose their seating location at the restaurant. This is a very good innovation for McDonalds as this would act as a direct customer research. They could develop new burgers as per the customer taste.

Even though this a great idea for McDonalds, I am not sure if this would be a feasible idea. It would cost a lot of money for developing the software and the touchscreen. Also every restaurant will either have to setup in a particular way of seating or the software will have to be developed in such a way that it takes in the seating arrangement of all the McDonalds franchises. It might also create a problem of many people ordering at once during rush hours causing strain on the workers which might lead to customers waiting too long for their order and leaving unhappy. I would very much like to see how far McDonalds goes with this idea after the testing stage.