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KFC using chicken fed with antibiotics is very unethical.  However, adding melamine to milk formulas is a crime.  The use of any material in food knowing that it will harm people is a crime.  Baby milk formula tainted with Melamine will affect new-born babies, causing kidney problems and can probably cancer.

Looking back to 2004, milk formula were sold with very low nutritional elements causes malnutrition and 16 babies died. [1] Tests for protein were then implemented, but then unscrupulous businessmen used melamine to trick the test. This time 6 babies died with 300,000 suffered from kidney problems.  [2]

“We spent half of our wages buying the foreign formula,” a parent said. “Some of my neighbors’ children who survived 10 years ….have suffered from abnormal mental development. My sole wish for my two children is that they can grow up healthily.” [2]

Ironically, an official punished for the milk scandal has been promoted to deputy president of the State Food and Drug Administration in 2012.  [3] Maybe this is the reason why most people trust foreign brands.

[1] Tainted-baby-milk scandal in China

[2] Memories still too raw for Chinese parents to trust baby formula

[3] Official punished in Sanlu scandal promoted

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