
According to, 10% of the energy used in the US is consumed by the food industry and, as Manning informs us, the number of calories of fuel per calories of food produced has grown exponentially over the last several decades. In fact, according to, beef production consumes 35 calories of fuel for every calorie of beef produced. This is clearly unsustainable. The seemingly miniscule amounts of diesel fuel it took to supply the products I consumed on Wednesday may not appear to be much, but multiplied by a factor of millions (i.e. the population of BC) a great amount of fuel is being used just to deliver the foodstuffs. This does not consider how much fuel it takes to make the trucks and trailers that bring the food. It also does not consider the fact that the vegetables and fruit must be picked early (unripe) and ripen in the truck, thus presenting a quality problem, and perhaps even a foodborne disease problem.

05. July 2012 by Yali Chen
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