
Welcome to my ePortfolio! My name is Henry Flanagan, I’m a recent graduate from the Master of Geomatics for Environmental Management (MGEM) program at the University of British Columbia. I previously studied geography at UBC, and received a B.A. in Environment and Sustainability in 2018. I graduated from the MGEM program in May 2019.

I’m an international student that was born and raised in Seattle, Washington in the USA. I have enjoyed living and studying in Vancouver, BC for the last five years.

I have been interested in Geography for many years. My mother, a professional cartographer, helped kindle my interest in mapping and understanding spatial information. I am especially concerned about environmental issues facing the world today such as climate change and habitat destruction. I am hoping that by studying geography, I will be able to produce or analyze geospatial information in order to help address these pressing global issues.




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