Drinking Green

Is it possible to grow ingredients for beer in a metropolitan area such as Toronto? It is for Bellwoods Brewery co-founded by Michael Clark and Luke Pestl. Over the summer, the owners launched their “City Hops” project, “an experiment in growing hops in eight different locations in downtown Toronto”. These hops are planted on the property of other businesses such as Parts & Labour, a restaurant/bar. By using these underutilized spaces, they gain the benefit of growing hops for themselves while creating partnerships with local businesses.

The idea of urban gardening is still a rather new one, but it is becoming more and more popular for two important reasons. The obvious factor is sustainability and considering the environment in the production of produce, but businesses also benefit financially because they lower their transportation costs once again benefiting the environment.This is just one example of how businesses are finding innovative ways to be environmentally friendly.

Mr. Clark made an interesting comment at the end about how even if the program isn’t successful, “there’s a benefit … to greening of space and having it produce something that connects people to the space”. Rarely does one see profits take second place to the environment in our world.

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