Personalized Marketing Experience

As I opened up the Facebook page again yesterday, I noticed that it’s the 10th anniversary of Facebook. And for celebrating it, they served up millions of personalized “look back” videos which displayed some of the users’ most-liked statuses and photos and helped capture some most important events over the time of their lives on this social media networks. Without any hesitation, I made one myself and was pretty impressed by how Facebook has recorded so many fascinating moments over the recent years of my life and how personalized the video was to get connected with every user who got the chance to make one.

The revolution of computer technology and social media has changed the way we shop and the way we surf the web as well as  how the marketers target its customers and win over other competitors. One strategy marketers are gradually focusing on is to design the personalized experience for web users as so that users’ would feel more connection with the brand and have more motives to become loyal customers.

Remember last time you was surfing at Amazon and you didn’t plan to buy anything but kill some spare time. Surprisingly, you accidentally noticed there was a “recommended items” column where listed all the things you weren’t planning to purchase but interested in for a while. and the next minute you found yourself keep browsing all the recommended items and having the strong intention to actually purchase some of them. And on another ordinary day of your work, you received an email from a travel agency telling you that there is Valentine-themed 3-day trip to Miami during the upcoming long weekend. Surprising enough again, you were thinking about the Valentine present given to your girlfriend and started considering this romantic trip as a wonderful surprise for her. Yes, you were already experiencing the personalized web surfing and online shopping.

Without taking too long, I believe that we will see all the major web platforms will be applying personalized technology system into practice.

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