Marketing Project – Lululemon

In this very interesting marketing project, our team – Michael, Silvia, Paige, Leah and me, focused on the athletic brand Lululemon, which was founded in Vancouver. It was a bit of challenge at first since Silver and Michael have never been to the store, needless to say the knowledge of Lululemon’s values or current situation. So we decided to visit the very firs Lululemon store in Kitsilano for experiencing a little more about their excellent customer service, friendly store atmosphere as well as healthy lifestyle values. And we ended up filming the beginning of our video there too, which was very fun and interesting.

Throughout the project process, five of us, from knew little about Lululemon, to realize their SWOT, micro-environment, and to made our own practical recommendations, I really learned a lot, not only on marketing, but also team work, communication, etc. Initially, we just met up once before the assignment due and divided the work into five parts, which ended up some pretty bad marks. Thus, we came to realization that this will not work, it is of great importance to interactive with each team member and exchange ideas from different perspective. We then met up every week to draw out our core ideas of the assignment and complete it after the meeting individually and eventually combined each part together.

Overall, I very enjoyed the process of completing this marketing project with my wonderful team members.

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