week7. 100 years of solitude – [part 1] Going into this book, I was most curious about the implications of ‘Solitude’ and what it means in the story. I know that personally, I see Solitude as a kind of calm, an allotment of peace away from the chaos. (More honestly, when I think of Solitude, […]
Month: February 2023
week6. pedro páramo
week6. pedro páramo – As someone who previously didn’t know much about magical realism at all, I think Pedro Páramo was the best first impression I could have been given. Though I did read 100 Years of Solitude previously, I have to be honest and say I don’t remember a lot of it. Probably because I […]
week5. labyrinths
week5. labyrinths – I did not understand this book. It was quite dense and while I got bits and pieces every once in a while, it was difficult to keep my attention. Halfway through I had to switch to an audiobook because I was getting a tension headache from trying to keep up with the […]