
week13. conclusion

week13. conclusion – I think this course was really great. I know Jon always asks how the course and course structure is, and how everyone is finding it [in comparison to other classes] but I really do think this is something special. As someone who has dropped out of university once already, this is the […]

the taiga syndrome

week13. the taiga syndrome

week13. the taiga syndrome – I’m not exactly sure what to make of this book. I read it within an afternoon but I think the shortness of it made it all the more dizzying. The whole thing read as those old-timey, black and white, noir detective movies that narrates as an inner monologue. It was […]


week12. papi

week12. papi – I liked reading Rita Indiana’s Papi. I think in terms of playfulness, creativity, and breaking normal bounds, Papi ranks pretty high among the other books we’ve read. It felt nostalgic, intimate, and warm in ways that many other books could not have and did not achieve. I think it was unusual for me to feel […]

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