week13. conclusion –
I think this course was really great. I know Jon always asks how the course and course structure is, and how everyone is finding it [in comparison to other classes] but I really do think this is something special. As someone who has dropped out of university once already, this is the kind of content that was drawing me back to my education. After taking time off from school it was a priority to me that I enjoyed my classes and that I felt like I was actually learning, instead of just coasting. I think this class has done that! It’s definitely hard to please my standards of content and also my attention span so props to Jon for doing that, (most of the time).
I really, really loved the inclusion of poetry and I only wish that there was more of it throughout the term. I didn’t know too much about Gabriela Mistral before this class but now that I do, I will be reading her other work much more adamantly. Clarice Lispector I’ve always loved so it was nice to be assigned a book I knew I would already like. I also had read the beginning of One Hundred Years of Solitude before I enrolled in this class and I do not think I would have continued if it weren’t for this class, (because of all the incest probably, I think that would have weirded me out).
I also loved the connections from last year’s class. Reading Lispector and Roberto Bolaño again was a very nice call-back, it’s like we got to continue from where we left off last time. Very nice full-circle moment for those of us who took the class last year.
The concept of play and ‘magic circle’ were very helpful to me in my readings. There is not a ton of classes (the ones I was taking anyway) where the ‘central’ theme is actually upheld, especially in regards to literature, so it was nice that play was easily and casually integrated into all of the texts. I came across examples of play very organically in almost all the texts. It wasn’t too overbearing nor was it passive, so that was good.
I think another thing to mention once again is the course structure. I really, really enjoy this class structure and it has made me look at other classes in a different light. It altered my opinion on what stress should look like when it comes to coursework. School doesn’t (and probably shouldn’t be) stressful to the point where my hair turns gray.
Anyway, thanks to Jon and Daniel and everyone else who made this term slightly more bearable. As anyone who has been in my vicinity knows, I always have opinions, I can’t say more than two sentences without cursing or saying something off-hand so thanks to everyone for putting up with me.
Also, apologies for all the times I’ve brought snacks with really loud wrappers.
5 replies on “week13. conclusion”
“I always have opinions, I can’t say more than two sentences without cursing or saying something off-hand so thanks to everyone for putting up with me.” I speak for myself (but I think Dr. Beasley-Murray would agree) that this is refreshing and motivating for those of us in charge of the courses. There is nothing worse than an apathetic student, who does not react to books. Love them or hate them, but connect with them… then take them with you or throw them away. Thank you for your comments, your commitment and your courage. We are here for you.
Hi Jasmine! I agree with basically everything you’ve said in your post, and it was these same qualities about this class that made me want to come back from last year and do it again. I don’t know if we’ll do a debate in tomorrow’s class over the best book like we did last year, but if we are then I’m looking forward to hearing your opinions 🙂
Hi Jasmine, your post made me smile and laugh (obvs in a good way). You pointed out things that I think all of us loved about the class. There was something comforting about this class, that like you said, made me realize school doesn’t have to be stressful. I’m excited to see what tomorrows class brings and what opinions you’ll have 🙂
Hi Jasmine, I couldn’t agree more that this class is something special. The structure and content were extremely affirming and they felt like they valued and respected our time as learners. Btw, your contributions were always been funny and honest so thank you for being so open and enriching the course!
Jasmine! Thank you for bringing the laughter to literature discussion. I agree that the format of this class felt so much more enjoyable — instead of slogging along with readings, I am actually engaging with books and discussing; who knew this is what university could be! The incest in 100 years also got me, I thank the mysterious audio book man for getting me through that book. Your opinions and jokes kept me alert and entertained!