blog posts cartucho nellie campobello

week3. cartucho

week3. cartucho – Cartucho was an interesting book to read. It felt very much like a diary of stories captured by the lens of childhood. The storytelling was raw, unabating, and felt somewhat unvarnished in a very brash, poetic manner. The loose, unknowing endings and the vague misplacement in time felt purposeful, and in that […]

blog posts mama blanca's memoirs teresa de la parra

week2. mama blanca’s memoirs

week2. mama blanca’s memoirs I enjoyed reading Mama Blanca’s Memoirs. Other than the simple, yet captivating storylines and interesting frame narrative, I loved the beauty of the words and the prose that made up most of the novel. It felt very fitting that both Mama Blanca (elderly) and Blanca Nieves (childhood) had this sixth sense of […]

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