“When I heard that 5+ years ago PSA was really social and kind of known for partying, I thought ‘let’s bring that back.’ So this year I’m the VP Social, meaning I plan all of the PSA’s events; I’m also the president of the archery club.”
“Did you grow up here?”
“I grew up in North Van and my grandparents live in Richmond. Both my parents immigrated here; so my dad came from England and my mom and her family came from the Philippines, and they met in Vancouver.”
“How did your parents meet?”
“They met at a… club. *Laughs* In the 80s.”
“Are you like your parents at all?”
“I have my dad’s exact same sense of humour; it’s very punny and like, classic Dad jokes. British humour. But I definitely look more like my mom.”
“Do you have an idea of what you want to do after grad?”
“I’m not sure yet, but helping people is one of my favourite things; some people actually think I have a problem, because I tend to neglect myself. Whenever any of my friends show a slight inkling of like, they need someone to talk to, I’m just like, ‘I’m here!’ and ‘Let’s just meet for coffee and do something.’ I’ve heard a lot of people say they really needed that person to just be there and not necessarily talk about what’s bothering them but just hang out and have fun.”