Patagonia deserves a pat(agonia) on the back.

We talk a lot about Patagonia in class. We mentioned their ad about not buying their jacket, we watched videos on them, and we even did a case with a client that was related to them (Zero Waste Market; Patagonia pop-up shops). They seem to be an amazing example of a sustainable business that wants to do good. Once again, they’ve popped up in another article, this time on the New York Times for the amazing work that they do to better our world.

Patagonia is working with four other companies to create a $35 million fund to finance installations of solar panels on the roofs of residential homes. They are installing solar panels on over 1500 homes in eight different states.

The article also mentions that they did the same thing for start-up businesses to help fund more sustainable energy options. Two years ago, they created a $27 million fund to install solar panels in Hawaii as well.

The article doesn’t go into detail about whether or not they are setting these solar energy systems for free, but even if they are not, it is just another prime example of the work Patagonia does to improve our planet.

We talk a lot about initiative regarding sustainability in class. Some of it is just with regards to social responsibility in improving our planet, but another part of it is in entrepreneurship. Patagonia takes both of these to a new level. By investing in solar panels for residential homes, they introduce the idea of solar energy to families who might not have had access prior, and show that it is an effective way to save on costs (after an initial large fixed investment) that is also good for the environment. Hopefully this will proliferate to larger communities as well. However, by also investing in these for start-up companies that are focused on the environment and sustainability, Patagonia invests in the future by helping these environmental start-ups save on costs.

This takes sustainable entrepreneurship to a whole new level and this only serves to see why we mention Patagonia so much in class. They really are doing an amazing job for our planet.


  1. Great post, Victor, I especially enjoyed the title’s pun! In class, we have heard quite a bit about Patagonia and its sustainable approach; and, for good reason. Patagonia really does seem like a company ardent about its initial visions. The business both maintains credibility for its responsible supply management, and for its quality product designs. Additionally, Patagonia has not shied from partnering with artisan clothing companies. The business truly is a jack of many trades – it manages to satisfy the ideals of sustainability minded customers while consistently launching notable collaboration pieces.

    Now, they’re even venturing into solar panel installation. To me, it’s a little unexpected considering their product lines; but that’s a great thing. It demonstrates the genuineness of Patagonia, I feel. I respect that the company is willing to do the unconventional to create change.

  2. First of all, very clever title! Patagonia is definitely a leader in sustainability and business, From their product to their sustainable initiatives, they make sure its great and of course green! I think their leadership in this solar panel project and partnerships with other start-ups shows how they want collaboration in the sustainability movement. I agree and think this project is a great company initiative Patagonia has taken on and hopefully it expands!

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