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Dec 5 / Howard Wu

The Key to Success: Dogs

On Dec. 3, 2010’s Vancouver Sun, a column mentioned, “Dogs can foster greater employee trust and collaboration in the workplace.” I found this to be quite intriguing as I personally have a love for dogs. To look at this in terms of business, would it be beneficial to have dogs in a

workplace in order to create more trust between employees? Certainly it may help with boosting morale and collaboration, but dogs may also have negative effects. As not all people are dog lovers, some even being afraid of dogs, the presence of canines may frighten those workers and cause their productivity to decrease due to a constant fear. Another problem with dogs would be the chance of an employee having allergies, which would cause constant sneezing and sniffles and thus reducing productivity once again. This shows that new ideas should be thoroughly thought out before putting them into action. Next time you are given an innovative solution, think it out carefully before using it.

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