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Apr 6 / Howard Wu

What I have taken away from Comm299

It seems only it was yesterday that I was in the Swing building taking on my first public speaking presentation. I still remember being very nervous, so nervous to the point that my teeth were slightly chattering. Week by week, I am faced with the nerve racking anxiety that hits right before taking the front of the classroom. But as time went by, I noticed my teeth were no longer chattering, my speech grew increasingly clear, and my anxiety slowly disappeared. In addition to my new public speaking confidence and skills,  the second term of Comm299 has taught me many things regarding job interviews. For one, I have learnt how to make an effective resume and cover letter. And two, I have experienced a mock business interview. Even though it was a mock, I was able to experience the mood that would be present in a real interview. Overall, I found Comm299 to be a very useful course and the things I take away from it would definitely follow me for the rest of my life.

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