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Dec 4 / Howard Wu

Re: COMM296 Beats by Dr.Dre (2) – STP and Skullcandy

After reading Scott Song’s blog regarding Beats by Dr. Dre, I couldn’t help but think back to my summer of 2011 when I was considering buying a brand new pair of headphones. At the time, I was considering between three brands of headphones which were Beats by Dr. Dre, Bose, and Skullcandy. In the end I ended up purchasing a pair of Skullcandy earbuds which broke in a short time of three months, leaving me in much regret for buying them in the first place.

During my information search period of the buyer decision process, I looked into many different forums that compare the different headphones. In these forums, Skullcandy headphones have been said to have relatively good sound quality but break very easily. This I experienced first hand and agree they do in fact break really fast. However, the amount of reviews that showed satisfaction in Skullcandy headphones slightly out weighed the bad and so I chose the Skullcandys.

After taking Comm 296 marketing, I related back to this decision process and noticed how the opinion of other consumers affected my decision a lot more than the information on the company’s website. Seeing how Skullcandy had so many bad reviews regarding their malfunctioning headphones, they should consider finding ways to create customer satisfaction by engineering more lasting earbuds. This may help eliminate the bad reviews given by consumers and generate more sales.

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