Product Presentation

As a consumer, product presentation is very important to me. No matter how good the product is claimed to be, if the presentation is horrible then I would have a bad experience when using the product. For example, whenever I go window shopping, the bright displays and the visually inviting design of the shops of luxury brands always tempts me to go inside and look around, no matter if I actually need or want any of the products. Not only should the stores be aesthetically pleasing but the packaging and the actual design of the products should be too. Consumers in this generation buy a lot of items according to how the product is designed and packaged. Since most products are homogenous, the only distinction is the way it is designed. Therefore making packaging and design of the product essential for it to be a successful product. An example of this is contacts. While all contacts serve the same purpose and is internally all the same, the way its packaged is different and they are even designed in different colours. By providing aesthetic differentiation, these products would stand out to consumers and encourage demand.

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