Marketing Assignment Reflection

Overall, I am very happy with my group. We all work well together and come up with pretty interesting ideas. We all manage to meet up quite frequently as well. I am also very satisfied with our video project. We all spent a significant number of hours on the video and i think we thought of some really good ideas. With the other marketing assignments, i feel that it prepared us well for the final video assignment. Without the frequent homework assignments, then we would probably have a harder time when creating and filming the group video.

Response: If You Cant Afford it Apple Doesn’t Want You

In this article, “If you can’t afford it apple doesn’t want you” by Jay Baer, it says that apple only wants a certain type of customer. They have kept their price tags well above their competitors, yet they still maintain popular and successful. That is the reason why they do not develop much products in a lower price level. The new iPhone 5c is said to be “conceived based on investor pressure to tap the Chinese market, among others” and is also said to be “so half-assed.” I do agree that apple doesn’t need to target more frugal customers, since their exclusivity is what makes them so desirable.

For the Last paragraph of the article, I also completely agree.They are definitely slow on innovation these few years. The changes have only been minor and not a lot of new innovated changes. I do wish that they would change that and be like before, when they could with provide mind blowing innovations.

Response to “Who is the Nintendo 2DS for?”

In response to Patricia Poon’s blog post regarding the consumer demographic of the Nintendo 2Ds, I completely agree. Even for myself, I was severely tempted to buy the new Pokemon games but I do not own a Nintendo 3DS and do not wish to purchase one. But given that this 2DS is significantly cheaper than the 3DS and still does the job, I would seriously consider buying one if my desire to play the new Pokemon games were extreme enough. The fact that they released the 2DS on the same day as the new Pokemon games, I would also agree that it is a smart move. A lot of people probably wouldn’t have bought the new Nintendo hand held device if there wasn’t the incentive of the new Pokemon game, and the other way around too.


Who is the Nintendo 2DS for?