MUJI:The Way to Success

Nowadays most brands want every body to know who they are and what they produced. There are huge amount of people failed and also some of them are successful, like MUJI. When people live in too much information, every body chases their unique characteristics and shows how they are different from others and apparently MUJI is not one of them.

MUJI’s idea is all about living in a simple way.Its designs and products are all comes from its main idea and they do not even have a logo.People are labeled in every aspects of living in modern society and it expresses the social levels and vanity.However. Muji ‘s concept is directly opposite from it. It abandons every detail which is not necessary and makes products as simple as possible. In Muji’s theory, products are no longer only for use, it helps people to find the beauty of nature and get addicted to it.

In conclusion, Muji’s idea of “no brands” theory makes it becomes a successful company.Besides, Muji is not only selling a product to consumer, but also a simple life style.


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