Snapping up in Single day!

Yesterday in China, an online shopping website called Taobao which is run by Aribaba created a miracle.Every November 11th is the Single day in China, Taobao turns it to “online shopping day” since 2009 and named it “double eleven”.Over twenty thousand business joined this shopping party and all their products have over fifty percent off. All of those elements composed of an unique Single day and according to the latest news,the value of transaction on November 11th in 2013 was more than thirty five billion RMB!

Now online shopping is so popular that people keep asking “Will shopping in mall displaced by online shopping?” My answer is no. Online shopping has a big problem — shipping. Like the single day, it will create a huge challenge for logistics and usually consumers will wait more than a week for their packages. Plus,shopping in mall is an social activity so that it will not disappeared.

However, e-business is the trend today.The internet marketing have brought huge impacts on the traditional retail trade.Because of the difference of operation mode between them, the online business has magnanimity customer’s data comparing to the scare customer information of the traditional mode of retail business. In conclusion, though online shopping has some shortage, it still plays an important role in market and there will be more people use it in the future.


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