What’s special in Amazon’s third quarter 2013 financial highlights?

As Amazon’s third quarter financial highlights in 2013 is coming up, numerous people seems really disappointed to their loss. However, before that we should better look at is there something special in their financial report.

Amazon highlights some new products and services we should pay attention to. It can help us go through its process in third quarter.
– New kindle Fire HDX: latest hardware techniques and high-accuracy screen
– Mayday Button: offers real people tech support in fifteen seconds
– New Kindle Paperwriter: five new functions include study plan
– Kindle Matchbook:consumers who bought physical book can buy eBook at the lowest price
– Kindle book market in Mexico: include two million books and more than seventy thousand books are in Spanish
– Login and pay service: people can use their Amazon account pay bills in other online retailer store.
– Amazon’s pilots: spacial pilot project for children
Amazon make pages on what they did in the last quarter especially for the new achievements but their financial report still very appealing. That’s the reason why though their have a quarterly loss, the stock price still climbs. As usual, Amazon will hire and train tens of thousands seasonal workers for the holiday season in forth quarter. The number of seasonal workers exceeds seventy thousand this year and compare to the corresponding period last year which is fifty thousand, Amazon’s deficit had been largely reduced than last year.

Amazon’s financial report is always the most tricky one. It is hard to understand the implication behind the financial report because they always give the explanation of any negative financial information in details. In fact, for investors, Amazon has been the margins of profits and losses more than a decade. However, we know that if they really need to earn profit, Jeff Bezos and his team has a thousand processes to show rosy financial figures next quarter, but it never came.

This is the spirit of Amazon, before making a dime, do the right thing first.


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