KFC vs McDonald

In our memory, KFC and McDonald are drastic competitors. Every spot of KFC there will always be a McDonald near the side.They confront each other for a long time and people feel delighted in talking about it. After many years competition, it seems that they both find their own way to develop.

1. KFC
KFC have a great operation plan which is using the local staff.For instance, KFC ‘s rapid development offers many opportunities in China. By now, KFC had at least 850 subbranches in China and all of their staffs are Chinese people. They understand what is going here and how to develop their company in a better way.They started and joined many public benefit activities and make a positive image in consumer’s mind. That’s the way how they did it.

They strictly control its product and processing within a standard. McDonald pays attention to its quality, in fact,
before a new restaurant open in one place, they will make sure this spot can get high quality material supply by build up their supple and transit system.They have more than forty detection only for beef and that’s why consumer choose them.



http://tortora.wordpress.com/2010/04/15/mcdonalds-formal-business-structure/ (credible blog)


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