Hanger Marketing

As we know,apple is one of the most good hanger marketing companies in the world. The most common word come out from its staffs is “we are out of stock”. Apparently, there are secrets behind these words.How dose apple use hanger marketing and making benefit from its products?

1. Advertising
They use advertisements to stimulate consumer’s purchasing desire. The line outside the apple store is actually the best advertisement.

Though you have great product, people will not buy it if they do not admit and accept it. Apple shows its brand valuation and express its own concept of its product which is design to the psychology of this area.It helps them make a emotional relationship between their product and buyers and therefore, they can success.

3. Limit
Apple do the hanger marketing according to its abilities. A company should control the limit cause if you break it, consumers will not buy it anymore.

Source: http://www.wantchinatimes.com/news-subclass-cnt.aspx?id=20131001000041&cid=1206

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