Staff of Islamic Movie Grossly Manipulated

On Wednesday, September 12, 2012, 80 cast members were in outrage over a Islamic movie that was recently filmed. The cast members were harshly manipulated by the producers, and were grossly misled by the intent of the film.

Protesters pull down a U.S. flag.

“The entire cast and crew are extremely upset and feel taken advantage of by the producer”

An actress in the film said many parts of the script were changed, and the movie plot did not resemble the initial draft they were shown when hired for the part. Due to the outrage that was caused in Libya, the blame for the film was shifted towards the United States, resulting in the death of four US ambassadors. The film continued to bash Islamic and Muslim beliefs.

Egyptians shout slogans during a protest in front of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo.

When a business disregards the values of their employees and most importantly, their community, consequences are sure to arise. According to R Edward Freeman, a successful business must give value to both employees and community. In this situation, this film has brought forth a international crisis, and has resulted in the deaths of many innocent people. Although the producer possibly had good intentions in producing the film, the ethics he exhibited were simply iniquitous.

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