Response to “The PSYchology of Marketing”

In Gaby Herberts “the PSYchology of Marketing”, she touches on the effects that media can have on company profits. In her example, she uses the international pop star sensation, PSY. What shocked me was the amount of companies that were able to cling on and ride the success of this Korean sensation. DI corp. was an example of a company experiencing a huge increase in profits and stock price due to PSY ongoing success. Companies have lined up for blocks trying to get PSY to endorse there product, and the Korean pop star has been more than happy to do so. He has endorsed dozens of companies and has helped nourish these companies’ stock prices.

However, I believe that this may be an unstable and temporary marketing strategy. Companies have always tried to get celebrities to endorse their products but when one company’s success is highly dependent on one person, there is a chance for that company to crash. Social trends are always changing, and an international legends can go obsolete in a matter of weeks. For example, DI corp.’s shares, the company that experienced huge spike in stock price from PSY success, has already nearly plummeted 40 percent in the past few weeks. I believe that investors should be wary in investing in companies that are mooching off the PSY phenomenon.

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