Response to “Hostess: the Super Villains have Triumphed”

Hostess Inc., the creator of the infamous Twinkies, announced that they will be shutting down operations. However, just like the product itself, the Twinkies brand will not expire just yet. According to Jamie Weinmen’s blog, “Hostess: the Super Villains have Triumphed”, the Twinkies brand will most likely be up for sale to the highest bidder. The main focus of his blog was actually the comic book ads that were used to endorse Hostess products in the past. Hostess took advantage of an ingenious marketing strategy by paying all the top comic book companies to post a small one page ad. I believe that this was a great marketing strategy at the time due to the huge popularity of comic books.

However, considering the decline in the comic book industry and the Marvel and DC Universe superhero era, this marketing strategy would not have been as successful today. If Hostess were to have any chance of surviving in today’s society, they would have had to adapt to the changing environment and technology. I believe that Hostess’s marketing strategy could not adjust to the rapid changes in trends, causing the company to drive itself into bankruptcy. Hostess’s failure to adapt their value proposition to fit a more health conscious society may have been another reason for their demise.

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