Matt Filippini spends a few thousand dollars annually on sports and other activities, including as much as $300 on fly fishing
Matt Filippini is a 27 young man that works in business development at app developer Ibotta Inc. in Denver. He makes $40,000 a year. Every month he will transfers $800 form his checking account into his saving account, but still he has other money need to spend. He spends a lot of money on annually skiing, flights and hotel. The reason that he is saving money is because he wants to have his own house. He says:” the house is not only a financial goal but a lifelong goal, I want to take the next steps in being a homeowner and having those responsibilities.”
There are some suggestion that from profession. For example, Matt Filippini has to rethink that if he can afford a house in next year if he really buys it. If he cannot be sure he will stay in the same city in next few years then he probably better just renting. To buy a house is a huge decision, especially now the housing are in such expensive price. It will takes years for us to work hard and save money.
Source: http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304176904579111523057086670