Pizza Hut Will “Re-New” It’s Brand Completely


Pizza Hut is planning to reboot itself for a completely new generation following declining sales for the past 2 years. It is said to be the biggest “re-construction” of the brand in it’s 52 year of operation. The decline in sales could be attributed to changes in consumer preferences or due to staleness of the old-classical logo’s and slogan’s. It could also be due to changing demographics as the younger generation of 21st century expects something different to consume and utilize.

According to the article, the company is looking forward to adding “11 new pizza recipes, 10 new crust flavors, six new sauces, five new toppings, four new flavor-pack drizzles, a new logo, new uniforms and, yes, even a new pizza box.”

I believe the company is spending larger amount of its budget on marketing as they want to further continue operating at high profits. The video also states that Pizza Hut isn’t the only company and there’s many that are currently going through the same phase. The reason why many of the firms in food industries are re-branding. The reason according to the video from the article is because firms are looking to appeal towards younger audience. Though, I am not completely sure about the end result, I do have to agree with the people in the video as well as the writer in that its a risky business decision.

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