
I am Hannah.

I love to travel. Before I started my degree in Interdisciplinary Studies at UBC my husband and I took a motorcycle and a tent and traveled from Germany to Egypt. Since that trip I have been fairly stationary in Vancouver focusing on other aspects of life; getting my degree, getting married and most recently becoming a mom. The inability to travel has led me to a new appreciation for literature and stories. Since I have not been able to discover through travel I have been using reading as a way to explore new perspectives, places and ideas.

I am excited to turn this exploration inward and to examine what it means to be Canadian by exploring Canada’s history through its stories and literature.  I am very interested in this course because I would like to better understand the building and shaping of the Canadian nation and how storytelling and literature contributed to this process. I am also interested in how stories and literature can be used to create a national narrative, and how that narrative can affect an individual’s ability to recognize or accept other peoples, cultures and stories.

From looking at the course syllabus I am expecting that ENGL 470 is a course that will provide us a deeper insight into the power and influence of stories and literature. I am looking forward to the idea and discussion that comes from being exposed to an array of literary text, academic articles and other relevant materials that frame the Canadian identity.  I am hoping to gain perspective on the relationship between nation building and literature, and how this relationship functioned through the development of Canada. During this course we will be required to participate and collaborate online through discussion, research, and critical writing which I expect will enhance both my writing as well as my online communication skills. Overall my expectation of this course is that is will help me to strengthen my critical thinking and literary skills while allowing me to become better acquainted with the historical and contemporary narratives of Canadian identity.

I am eager to explore Canada with all of you and look forward to some great discussion! happy

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