Reflection on Group Project: Team Tata Motors

by hyewonlee

I had mixed feelings about the final part of our marketing group project being a video assignment. One one hand, it seemed as though it would be far more interesting than a regular presentation, and I usually enjoy creative work. On the other, I knew it would probably mean lots of work – brainstorming ideas, planning, filming, editing… Now that we have finished our video, I can safely say that I had quite a good experience with it all in all.

Forming a group in the beginning didn’t quite go smoothly for me, and I was grateful that Daniel, Julie, Alex and Simon accepted Tim and I as latecomers into their group. I felt as though the diversity in our group gave us an edge; we all had unique perspectives and skill sets that we brought into the project, and I enjoyed getting to know my group members better. Most of the time, we were focused on the tasks at hand and worked well together. Sometimes however, I feel we could have managed time a bit better as our meetings ended up running quite long, especially in the filming stages.

The project itself was interesting to do, although I had zero knowledge on cars, the products we focused on. I learned lots not only from doing research for my assigned parts but through my group members and their work. My lack of initial knowledge prevented me from making large contributions to the group which I regret, but I tried to make it up by spending lots of time brainstorming and filming the video. I really liked our group’s ideas for the video (time lapse and drawings). I am satisfied with our final product and had a good time working with my group through this term.