Marketing Blog

Hye-Won Lee's COMM 296-106 blog

Category: Uncategorized

Reflection on Group Project: Team Tata Motors

I had mixed feelings about the final part of our marketing group project being a video assignment. One one hand, it seemed as though it would be far more interesting than a regular presentation, and I usually enjoy creative work. On the other, I knew it would probably mean lots of work – brainstorming ideas, […]

The Importance of Precise Segment Targeting, Illustrated by the Xbox One

2013 has been a significant year for the gaming community. Not only were several major blockbuster titles such as Grand Theft Auto V, Assassin’s Creed IV and Call of Duty: Ghosts released, this year hailed the launches of two next-generation consoles from Sony and Microsoft – the Playstation 4 and Xbox One, respectively. The consoles […]

Are viral videos really a valid marketing tool? (in response to Eunice Park)

After reading my fellow classmate Eunice Park’s post which discussed the merits of viral Youtube videos as a marketing tool, I initially agreed with her sentiments. However, after further thought, I began to feel less sure. I tried to recall examples of truly successful viral video marketing and none immediately came to mind. Of course, […]

Marketing Blog #1 – Ethics

In order to make advertisements grab the attention of the masses, advertisers often rely on provocative imagery — commonly, sex or violence. Ads that imply questionable values or messages also seem to be frequent. For example, far too many fashion advertisements are overly sexualized and perpetuate both male and female stereotypes, as in the examples […]

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