Don’t create marketing, create atmosphere. Starbucks.

I was always wondering about Starbucks successfulness. It seems that whatever you get in Starbucks is the most basic stuff that you can easily get at home. However, Starbucks is one of the biggest coffee shops in the world. What makes Starbucks so attractive to people around the world?

– Of course coffee and other hot drinks are the main products, however it is not it. Right marketing created special “Starbucks atmosphere” and that is the key. Comfortable chairs, fireplaces, free wifi etc. All these factors create a unique social experience and when the most people go to Starbucks they look exactly for it. Howard Schultz says: “My business is not fill up stomachs, but fill up souls”. Also the actual products that company offers is important, that is why Starbucks has hight quality hot drinks and “snack” type of products. Others things that make Starbucks special are the small marketing details. How nice it is when people who made your drink call you by name which written down on your cup. Another thing is that Starbucks is always light and sunny, usually doors and windows in Starbucks located on the South or East. One more thing is that Starbacks keeps traditions, all coffee shops has the same design and interior as the (first) one that was open in 1971 in Seattle. Things like selling music in Starbacks, putting their company sign on cups, holder – also do their job.

For me personally, Starbucks is the perfect example of successful marketing campaign, which consists of many small details that create special atmosphere and a social experience. Starcbucks is like an international culture in 21st century.

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Football transfer market equals real market? Why do football players cost that much?

There many talks recently about football (soccer) as concept nowadays. This kind of entertainment grew so much for the last century that it is not simply a type of sport anymore, it is business.

Top football teams pay huge amounts of money for their players (C. Ronaldo €94 ml, Z. Zidane €73,5 ml etc.), money people say that it’s complete waste of money, while there are so many other important issues in the world. However, if we look at it from the other – business prospective we can state that football players are investments, which generate revenue for their employers, following their market prices determined by demand and supply law. Players offer their service to the football club the same as doctors, coaches,  cooks  and the rest of the stuff. Moreover, players don’t usually have their license that’s why sometimes they are  just being sold to the club where they don’t wish to play, but as in any other business are they signed a contract and have to follow it. Also as football players the same as their clubs pay a close attention on their image, marketing, ratings etc. That’s the why we can often see them on TV ads.

Conclusively we may say that footballer players and football industry of course a bit different from usual types of market. However, it has the same business concept as any other business industry, and huge costs of it and money transaction determined by the market.

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Re: “Apple: Master of Marketing”

      As Manuela Stoyanova stated in her blog, Apple released an iPhone 5 around 2 weeks ago, and already there many discussions around it. Does it actually better than iPhone 4s, and has elements that promote it to be a new generation Apple product?

I am not going to list different characteristics of both them, because it was done in my colleague’s blog. First of all I would like to say the Apple is the huge trans international company, with the biggest capital value on the market, and their products clearly win competition on 21st century’s market. If we look at the numbers, then we can see that despite any criticism Apple doing more than fine, and their sells go up. Moreover iPhone 5 is the fastest selling iPhone made by Apple so far. Following, here is the question arises: Should Apple bring any real, significant changes for the next generation iPhone if anyway they are doing fine? Moreover, it is a publicly available information that Apple constantly makes new patents,so we may conclude that they are actually work on new technologies and develop their products. However, they are probably just save it for the new generation products. In addition to it, it brings another issue, ethical one. Apple knows that consumer will buy their products anyway, following they don’t make the level of technological and design change that they could possible do. On the others hand, it is fully their choice, because whatever anyone says, they are still the largest and the most competitive company on communication technological market.

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