Football transfer market equals real market? Why do football players cost that much?

There many talks recently about football (soccer) as concept nowadays. This kind of entertainment grew so much for the last century that it is not simply a type of sport anymore, it is business.

Top football teams pay huge amounts of money for their players (C. Ronaldo €94 ml, Z. Zidane €73,5 ml etc.), money people say that it’s complete waste of money, while there are so many other important issues in the world. However, if we look at it from the other – business prospective we can state that football players are investments, which generate revenue for their employers, following their market prices determined by demand and supply law. Players offer their service to the football club the same as doctors, coaches,  cooks  and the rest of the stuff. Moreover, players don’t usually have their license that’s why sometimes they are  just being sold to the club where they don’t wish to play, but as in any other business are they signed a contract and have to follow it. Also as football players the same as their clubs pay a close attention on their image, marketing, ratings etc. That’s the why we can often see them on TV ads.

Conclusively we may say that footballer players and football industry of course a bit different from usual types of market. However, it has the same business concept as any other business industry, and huge costs of it and money transaction determined by the market.

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