Re : “Apple’s iPad Mini dilemma” (external blog)


Peter Nowak states in his blog that the new Apple product – iPad Mini is still relatively expensive. However consumers, would prefer buying iPad Mini, then paying extra 200$ for usual iPad. iPad Mini is missing a Retina display, but at the same time it is smaller and lighter, some people may argue, that these are the main features that consumer are looking for in tablets. Following, the questions arises, why do we need a usual iPad if we have iPad Mini that satisfies all our needs, plus has a lower price. On the other hand, different problems arises, iPad Mini is a competitor of Samsung and Android tablet products, that already positioned well in the market. Does it mean that Apple created more problems by producing iPad Mini?

I would say no. Many people argue that as Steve Jobs passed away, Apple started going down. It’s also the first time that Samsung sold more phones in recent quarter, then Apple sold iPhones. However, if we get back to our iPad case, we can look at it from the different perspective. Apple tries to increase their market share, and to dominate in a “small tabloids” market as well. Moreover, they give a choice to their consumer, there are still many segments of consumers that would stick to usual iPad. Also, Apple has to give an answer to “iPads dilemma” with a release of new generation iPad, that has to make the diffrence between two iPads and determine target audience for both of these products.

Blog source:–apple-s-ipad-mini-dilemma


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