Tablets contiue to take over the market.

There is a huge increase in the market of tablets in the the past two years. It is still dominated by Apple and their iPad, but products like Samsung Galazy Tab, Androind, iPad mini joined the market. Conclusively, rivalry raised, all the three corporations trying to sell more of their product.

In my opinion competitions is a positive sign. It benefits for the consumer. Couple of years ago, when iPhone and iPad were dominant on the markets, with no competitors, it clearly let them monopolize the market. However, nowadays situation changed, first of all consumers have more choice, they can pick a product that satisfies their needs the most. Secondly, quality of products increase, all the firms understand that if they want to beat their competitors they have to produce high quality products, constantly include different technological innovations. And finally, consumers can choose products by a price factor, not everyone can afford expensive Apple iPad (it is interesting that Apple also realized that, and released iPad Mini), and now with a greater variety consumers can find substitution for it, for a reasonable price.  That is why a use of tablets increased dramatically and will continue to. Following tablets start to take over the market from laptops. The latests surveys show that tablets can complete around 80% of laptop functions for users.

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