Watch with captions ON please!!! It’s part of the complete experience!

This task was difficult but fun to do. I struggled really hard with presenting this in audio form without simply recording myself describing the items.

In order to do this without simply narrating the items, I decided to look at the original What’s in the Bag  task to first identify the “PURPOSE” of the assignment. I narrowed it down to: “using the items to introduce myself”. So, I decided to incorporate all the elements of design to show the items in a way that reflects my personality.

Anyways, I believe I was able to incorporated all 6 the elements of design: linguistic, visual, audio, gestural, spatial, and multi-modal.  I wanted to make sure the approach was completely different from the first task so that it was a true redesign. I had to do this in audio form while avoiding simply narrating the objects. I was initially going to take the image and then incorporate different elements by narrating the objects, zooming in and out, etc. In the end, I decided to forgo verbal description of the objects. I chose to handle each object so that the “auditory” element came from the sound each object made instead. To describe each object, I opted to using captions. Instead of zooming in and out, I filmed myself handling each item so that I can lift them up and move them around. I felt that doing so would add dimensions to the storytelling experience. The way I toss and push my items around was meant to communicate how “well” I take care of my belongings (aka lose them all the time).

What do you think of my approach? Thoughts? Suggestions? Are you able to identify how I incorporated all the elements?

Comment below!