For the sixth linking assignment, I am linking to Nora Smith’s Task 12 (Speculative Futures).
I loved the way Nora approached this assignment. Her speculative futures were VERY intriguing!
For both speculative future narratives, Nora created posters, and included one audio clip per poster, each with a robotic text-to-speech voice that enhanced the ideas communicated through the visuals. I thought this was fantastic! The visuals were inviting and communicated her ideas clearly.
Her first speculative future narrative is inspired by tech augmentations/implants. I find the idea of having microchip implant exciting because it makes life so convenient! However, the tone of the poster seems dark and the main messaged that popped out was “Get Chipped”; together, this seems to communicate a “darker” side to this technology. Perhaps Nora is not optimistic about this future? The way the story is told about the student’s experience seems to communicate the idea of losing autonomy and under surveillance all the time.
Her second speculative future narrative is really cool. I LOVE the idea of preserving a digital representation that allows for communication. Imagine interviewing and interacting with digital representations of different people who have significantly impacted history! The idea of immortalizing someone digitally has a certain appeal to me. I can’t help but think of Tony Stark potentially coming back to the MCU films as an advanced AI, almost as if his soul is preserved forever in digital form. Very fascinating!
What I found fascinating is that Nora and I seem to be on the same wavelength for this assignment. For the first speculative future, I also created a poster, and my poster is also inspired by tech augmentations/implants! Unlike Nora, I did not include an audio clip. I provided a description with written text.
For my second speculative future, my idea was also inspired by an MIT project! In a way, it also relates to Nora’s because the ideas both have something to do with human consciousness. Instead of a poster, I wrote a poem for this one. I provided a written description, but did not include an audio clip like Nora.
I feel that for this assignment, by including audio clips, Nora enhanced her presentation and made it very accessible to everyone. By using written description, my format limited access to people who are literate only.
Way to go, Nora, for a fantastic assignment! I was definitely inspired. ????