Cercidiphyllum japonicum 連香樹


Common Name —— Katsura Tree (日本語: 桂)
Family —————— Cercidiphyllaceae
Hardiness Zone —— 2B – 6
Form ——————— Upright and pyramidal Tree (becomes rounded with age)
Height/Spread ——– 10 – 12 m/ 7 – 8 m
Water ——————– Medium
Soil ———————– Well-drained clay
Sunlight —————- Full sun or light shade
Leaves —————— Opposite; heart-shaped; emerges in reddish-purple; deciduous
Fall Colour ———— Yellow to apricot
Flower —————— Spring; Dioecious (male and female on separate plants); insignificant
Fruit ——————— Red follicle with several winged seeds
Smell ——————– Brown sugar in warm autumn days and during growth in spring
Limitation ————- Weak to intense and drying wind
Strength —————- Little pruning is needed when mature
Use ———————– As small specimen shade tree or street tree


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