Robinia pseudoacacia ‘Frisia’ 刺槐
Common Name —— ‘Frisia’ Black Locust
Family —————— Fabaceae
Hardiness Zone —— 4 – 8
Form ——————— Upright with straight trunk and narrow oblong crown
Height/Spread ——– 9 – 15 m / 6 – 11 m
Water ——————– Little to medium
Soil ———————– Best in moist, rich, loamy soil of limestone origin
Sunlight —————- Full sun
Leaves —————— Deciduous; alternate; pinnately compound; golden yellow leafs
Bud ———————- No terminal bud
Flower —————— May to early June; white; extremely fragrant
Fruit ——————— October; flat smooth pod with 4 to 10 seeds
Bark ——————— Reddish brown to black
Limitation ————- Do not work with permanently wet soil
Strength —————- Work with most soil; dry and saline salt tolerant
Use ———————– At striped-mined areas; highway cuts an fills, sandy, poor soil