Euonymus europaeus
Common Name —— spindle tree
Family —————— Celastraceae
Hardiness Zone —— 4 – 7
Form ——————— narrow upright shrub or tree when young; round when mature
Height/Spread ——– 2.5 – 4.0 m / 2.5 – 4.0 m
Water ——————– medium
Soil ———————– moist; well-drained
Sunlight —————- full sun to part shade
Leaves —————— deciduous; opposite; simple; elliptic-ovate; glabrous
Fall Colour ———— yellow-green to yellow to reddish purple
Flower —————— May; yellowish green; 4-petaled; not showy
Fruit ——————— pink to red; capsule; 4 lobed; smooth; white seed
Limitation ————- prone to caterpillars and vine weevils
Strength —————- pH adaptable; tough and tolerant
Use ———————– in borders, groupings, screens and massings