Hydrangea macrophylla
Common Name —— bigleaf hydrangea
Family —————— Hydrangeaceae
Hardiness Zone —— 6 – 9
Form ——————— rounded shrub with thick stems
Height/Spread ——– 1.0 – 1.5 m / 1.0 – 1.5 m
Water ——————– medium
Soil ———————– moist; well-drained
Sunlight —————- part shade
Leaves —————— deciduous; opposite; simple; obovate to elliptic
Fall Colour ———— green
Flower —————— June – August; outer flower: white, pink, blue; form depend on selection
Limitation ————- prone to aphids, capsid bug, glasshouse red spider mite and hydrangea scale
Use ———————– great coastal shrub; good plant as shrub border